On spring onion terminology
Spring onion terminology is quite complicated and can be confusing partly because different words are used in different ways. Scallion for example, can be used for the green part of the spring onion, or for the whole plants. Below is a mini-dictionary of the various terms as I come across them. Allium cepa The scientific name for large kitchen onions. Some non-bulbing spring onions are also classified by some authorities as A. cepa. Allium fistulosum The scientific name for the welsh or bunching onion (q.v.). I spell 'welsh' with a small w because the word means 'foreign' and not 'from Wales'. ' fistulosum ' is Latin for hollow (with reference to the stems). I have some seeds from Premier Seeds Direct (2022) labelled Welsh Onion . Another variety of A. fistulosum of which I bought some seeds in 2022 is the French Heirloom Heritage Scallion . This is its shortened name, the full version is 'Unusual Rare French Heirloom Heritage Scallion Everg...